The "Immortal Legends" show at Europa-Park is a fascinating spectacle that delights visitors with a unique musical experience. This open-air show on the park's Italian stage brings world-famous hits from immortal legends to life, presented by an undead ensemble. The show, which runs every year from October to November, offers a scary-beautiful experience that impresses both musically and visually.
My role in “Immortal Legends”
As a make-up artist, I was responsible for the entire make-up concept of the show. My goal was to make the undead characters as realistic and impressive as possible to enhance the dark atmosphere of the show and give the audience an unforgettable experience.
Creative design
The makeup design began with developing a concept that captured the essence of the show. The characters needed to be not only scary, but also stylish and intriguing. Dark, high-contrast colors and high-quality materials were used for the makeup to create the illusion of decay and immortality. The makeup techniques used ranged from airbrushing to traditional makeup methods. Each character received individual makeup that emphasized their role in the show and enhanced the overall mood of the "Immortal Legends."
Challenges and teamwork
The biggest challenge was to make the makeup look impressive both up close and from a distance, and to make it durable and resilient to stay perfect throughout the show. Thanks to the great collaboration with my talented team, we were able to successfully meet these requirements and bring the characters to life.
The show “Immortal Legends” at Europa-Park was an impressive project that challenged and expanded my creative skills. It was an incredible experience to be part of this great team and help create the fascinating characters of the show.
I look forward to continuing to work on such creative and challenging projects in the future and to offering viewers unforgettable experiences.